
Mandeville Monthly Climate Data


Mandeville’s rainfall pattern consists of two peak periods with higher values of rainfall and corresponding periods of lower rainfall amounts. The primary peak occurs in May and the secondary in October. The lowest amounts are at a minimum during the period of January and February. This is based on long term reports and deviations from this pattern do occur year to year. The hottest temperatures generally occur between the months of May and October.

The general monthly temperatures range between 14 and 28 degrees Celsius, however, a fluctuation between temperatures throughout the day must be taken into consideration.  Mornings tend to be the coolest time of day, with little or no rainfall. While late morning through late afternoon experiences a rise in temperature, with occasional showers with the peak hitting in the mid-afternoon.  Early evening into night generally brings cooler temperatures with little or no rainfall.

The following chart shows the average monthly high and low temperatures as well as the average monthly rainfall amount for the Mandeville area.

Mandeville average monthly temperatures & rainfall amount
Month High (ºC) Low (ºC) Rainfall (mm)
January 26 14 51
February 25 14 70
March 26 15 88
April 27 17 173
May 27 18 268
June 27 19 99
July 28 18 99
August 28 18 158
September 28 18 184
October 28 18 215
November 27 17 150
December 26 16 58